
Integration into Existing Code

Integrating NetWizard into your existing code is pretty simple. Follow the steps below to get started.

Install Dependencies

Please make sure you have followed the installation guide before proceeding.

Preparing Code

To prepare your existing code, please make sure that you have removed any occurrences of WiFi.begin or WiFi.softAP from your code. This ensures that your code will not interfere with NetWizard's own logic.

Once done, you may start integrating NetWizard into your existing code.


It's recommended that you remove all occurences of WiFi in your code once NetWizard is fully integrated, rather use methods provided by NetWizard library itself to obtain SSID, PSK, Local IP etc.


1. Include NetWizard Library

At the very beginning of sketch include the NetWizard library.

#include <NetWizard.h>

2. Create NetWizard Instance

Create an instance of NetWizard object which takes your WebServer object as an argument.

NetWizard NW(&server);

3. Setup autoConnect

At the point we call autoConnect, NetWizard will try to connect to any saved credentials. If none exists, it will start the captive portal and wait for user input ( till timout ). We'll add autoConnect in setup() function.

void setup() {

  NW.autoConnect("NetWizard Demo", "");  // <-- Add this line


4. Add loop Function

Add the loop function into loop block of your sketch. This function will be called repeatedly to manage the WiFi connection and perform other tasks under the hood.

void loop() {

  NW.loop();  // <-- Add this line



Congratulations! You have successfully integrated NetWizard into your existing code. This is the most minimal setup of NetWizard, now you can add more features and callbacks by looking at the API reference.

Async Mode