Core API


The captive portal itself has its own state which is often transmitted back to UI for displaying the neccessary prompt. This makes sure that the UI is always in sync with the captive portal state even after the device reconnects to the network.

The onPortalState callback is called whenever this captive portal state changes. The callback will be called with NetWizardPortalState enum as its parameter.

By listening to this callback, you can react to these changes in your code. For example: changing LED color to green when configuraiton is successful or performing any task based on the state etc.

Captive Portal States

Here are all the possible captive portal states that can be returned by the onPortalState callback:

  • NetWizardPortalState::IDLE
  • NetWizardPortalState::CONNECTING_WIFI
  • NetWizardPortalState::WAITING_FOR_CONNECTION
  • NetWizardPortalState::SUCCESS
  • NetWizardPortalState::FAILED
  • NetWizardPortalState::TIMEOUT

API Reference

void setup() {

  // This callback will be called upon captive portal state changes
  NW.onPortalState([&](NetWizardPortalState state) {
    ... // <-- add your own logic here
