Core API


setStrategy in NetWizard is used to set the captive portal strategy which alters the behavior of captive portal when it is active. NetWizard comes with 2 captive portal strategies:

  1. NetWizardStrategy::BLOCKING
  2. NetWizardStrategy::NON_BLOCKING

Blocking Strategy

By default NetWizard uses the BLOCKING strategy where the captive portal blocks further execution of the code (after autoConnect) until any of the following conditions are met:

  • User has exited the portal upon request
  • Portal has been timed out

Non-Blocking Strategy

NON_BLOCKING strategy is similar to BLOCKING but does not block the execution of the code after autoConnect. Your code should be prepared to handle every connection state updates during runtime.

NON_BLOCKING strategy is quite essential if your project/product depends on doing important background tasks while the captive portal is up, otherwise it's recommended to stick to blocking strategy.

API Reference

void setup() {

  NW.setStrategy(NetWizardStrategy::BLOCKING);  // <-- add this line before autoConnect

  NW.autoConnect("NetWizard Demo", "");

Custom Title (Pro)